About the Fair Maps Coalition


Mission Statement of the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition:

The mission of the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition is to ensure representative government for all, by advocating for and enacting (in law and practice) an independent and nonpartisan redistricting process, building a truly fair and accountable judiciary, and securing the rights of the populace to fair and equal access to voting, by educating and engaging the people of Wisconsin.


Shared Values of the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition

Racial equity




Equal Representation

Equal Voice


Respect for Communities of Interest


Public participation


How it all started…

In 2013 in the quaint George Watts Tea Room in Milwaukee, a group of lawyers and activists strategized about how to counteract the 2011 gerrymandered maps. After a three-judge federal court ruled Wisconsin’s maps were unconstitutional in the Gill v Whitford case, work began to form an organized and permanent fair maps advocacy group.

In 2017, the Wisconsin Fair Maps Coalition formed to push for nonpartisan redistricting legislation. Today, the WI FMC has dozens of partners and thousands of volunteers across Wisconsin who are working tirelessly to reform the redistricting process and bring true democracy to our state.