Candidates Committed to Supporting Independent, Nonpartisan Redistricting


On July 8, 2024, Jay Heck, Executive Director of Common Cause in Wisconsin and a member of the FMC Lead Team, emailed all candidates for the Wisconsin State Legislature asking them to pledge their support for independent, nonpartisan redistricting.

The pledge below appears on the CCWI website along with a list of candidates who have responded to Jay’s inquiry. We strongly encourage voters to send a follow-up email to the candidates in their district who’s names do not appear on the Common Cause list.

The 2024 Wisconsin State Legislative Candidate Pledge 

I support passing legislation during the 2025 legislative session and enacting into law the requirement that Wisconsin adopt an independent nonpartisan redistricting process to ensure that no political party can create state legislative or congressional voting districts to favor their own political party nor be able to gerrymander Wisconsin’s voting maps in the future.