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Public Schools Week 2024: February 26 – March 1

How to get involved:

  • Contact your lawmakers. Tell them why you support public education and tell them to fully fund your local public schools. Here’s a sample letter to get you started!

  • Thank-you cards, Valentines, and other tokens of appreciation: Send cards, notes, and cookies to the educators and staff in your school. Don’t forget administrators and your district office! Make it a party by holding card-making events with parent groups, student orgs, and other local teams.

  • Guest lessons: Invite a retired teacher, a parent, or a student to conduct a lesson in the classroom.

  • Showcase student work: Decorate a public space with kids’ drawings and artwork. Make sure to post a picture on social media with the hashtag #PublicSchoolsWeek and #PSW24.

  • Host a dinner: Share in a community meal with current and retired educators and staff from your school. 

  • Community slideshow: Have members of the community submit photos showing why they love their public schools — and combine them into a slideshow.

  • Attend a school board meeting during the week to express your appreciation.

  • Bookmark the Learning First Alliance’s Public School Proud website for opportunities to register your events (no matter how small) and other Public Schools Week resources.

  • Create a local hashtag and try to get it trending in your community. Example: #WeLoveMiltonSchools

  • Write a letter to the editor or op-ed for your local paper sharing why you love your schools.

  • Contact your local paper and news stations to inform them of your events and invite them to cover the week!

  • Schedule interviews or call into local radio stations to express your public school pride.

  • School board resolution: this really shows that your district is on board with your plans

  • Join WPEN at the Wisconsin State Capitol for our Public Schools Week Day of Action on March 1 in Madison! LEARN MORE & REGISTER HERE

February 20

Free Speech and Civility on College Campuses

February 27

April 2 Constitutional Amendment: Vote No